The Pitta Woman

The confident Orator. She will lead you confidently from the front.

Pitta Dosha is composed of the elements Fire & water and, as such, many of her characteristics are heat related.

Characteristics of The Pitta Woman

  • She has a moderately developed physique and reasonably muscular body

  • Her skin is generally soft, lustrous, warm and often has reddish tones or flushes easily. She will have less wrinkles than her Vata counterpart

  • She may have freckles & moles

  • Her hair is usually thin, soft & silky and may tend towards red in colour. There can be early greying and even thinning

  • Her face is usually angular with a neat, pointed nose

  • Her eyes will be bright and usually light blue, grey, hazel or copper brown with an intense lustre.

  • Her mouth is medium in size and her teeth are moderately sized and well placed, though they may be a little yellowish in colour

  • Her metabolism is strong and she will often feel hungry. Her appetite is strong, as is her digestion. She will consume large amounts of food and liquids

  • When she is in balance she will crave Sweet, Bitter & Astringent foods and cooling drinks

  • She may profusely sweat, especially when exercising. Her sweat often smells

  • Her skin is generally warm and moist

  • She cannot tolerate excess sun, heat and hard, physical work can be challenging, especially in the heat!

  • She can sleep for a moderate amount of time (around 6 hours) but her sleep is deep and uninterrupted

  • She prefers cool weather and tries to avoid intense sun and heat

  • She is ambitious, courageous & intelligent

  • When aggravated she will be tend towards resentment, anger, jealousy & even hatred

  • She is very good at making decisions and planning and organising events

  • She tends to be good a leader

  • She enjoys and appreciates material wealth and may even like to show that off

  • She will have a tendency towards heat related conditions such as - inflammations, infections, sun burn and other skin disorders, gastritis, stomach ulcers, diarrhoea, hyper-acidity and headaches

Physical Features

She is of medium height, has a slender and maybe even delicate body frame. Her chest is not as flat as those of Vata women and she shows a medium prominence of veins and muscle tendons. The bones are not as prominent as in the Vata woman. Muscle development is moderate.

Her complexion may be coppery, yellowish, reddish or fair. Her skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. Her hair is thin, silky, red or brownish and there is a tendency toward premature greying of her hair and hair loss. Her eyes may be grey, green or copper-brown and sharp: her eyeballs will be of medium prominence. Her nails are soft. The shape of her nose is sharp and the tip tends to be reddish.

Physiologically, she has a strong metabolism, good digestion and resulting strong appetite. She usually takes large quantities of food and liquid. She has a natural craving for sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and enjoys cold drinks. Her sleep is of medium duration but uninterrupted. She produces a large volume of urine and the faeces are yellowish, liquid, soft and plentiful. She has a tendency toward excessive perspiring. Her body temperature may run slightly high and her hands and feet will tend to be warm. She does not tolerate sunlight, heat or hard work well!

Psychologically, she has a good power of comprehension; she is very intelligent and sharp and tends to be a good orator. She has emotional tendencies toward hate, anger and jealousy.

She is ambitious and likes to lead. She appreciates material prosperity and she should be moderately well-off financially. She enjoys exhibiting her wealth and luxurious possessions.

To pacify her, especially during Summer which is Pitta season, read my blog on Ayurveda for Summer :

My 3 Top Tips for Pacifying The Pitta Woman

1) Increase foods with the tastes sweet, bitter & astringent The taste of Sweet is Sattvic in nature. It is a combination of Water & Earth and is very nourishing, soothing and satisfying to fiery Pitta types. Think sweet fruits and sweet root veg, cooked oats, rice, dairy and honey. Bitter is a combination of Space & Air and is wonderful at reducing burning sensations, itching, dermatitis and thirst. It has a drying effect which can be good with oily Pitta. Astringent is a combination of Air & Earth, it is heavy, cold and dry in its qualities. It purifies the blood, helps skin ailments and acts as a slight sedative which can help over-achieving Pitta women switch off.

2) Introduce cooling, neutralising, relaxing and drying foods. As Pitta dosha is formed of the elements Fire & Water, which are hot, sharp, oily and light light we need to use foods with opposing qualities to pacify it. Think cooling herbs and spices like fennel, mint and saffron, coconut, almonds with no skin, golden milk and cooling dairy. Ditch the coffee, it's too warming and aggravating to the skin.

3) Begin a practice of Self-Abhyanga NOW! Introduce a daily, warm, full body oil massage using fractionated coconut, evening primrose or jojoba oil. Add to this essential oils which are sweet, soothing, cooling and pacifying - try bergamot, lavender, lime, ylang ylang, rose or spearmint.