Cypress - The Oil of Motion & Flow

CYPRESS - The Oil of Motion & Flow


Cycles * Transitions * Liberation

A Greek myth tells the tale of the beautiful young man Cyparissus, a lover of Apollo, who wrote a sacred stag. One day he accidentally killed the animal with his own spear.  Devastated Cyparissus longed for nothing more than to be allowed to die so he could be reunited with his stag in the Otherworld and so with Apollo's help he transformed into a Cypress tree.  Here, the roots would delve deep into the Otherworld but the tree would also point up to the heavens keeping Cyparissus always connected to Apollo.  In this way the Cypress became the symbol of grief and mourning and hence are planted near graves and cemeteries for remembrance.

Travelling through old Europe, many cemeteries are lined with Cypress trees as a reminder of grief and loss but also the ever changing nature of life.  Cypress offers comfort and facilitates a healthy grieving process.  If you are struggling to cry or to release any grief Cypress helps tears to flow.  Cypress is great for those near the end of their life to embrace this new stage and let go, feel comfortable with the fact that they are not coming to an end but opening a new chapter rather than to fear what is ahead.  Cypress is an ideal oil to use at Samhain (also known as Halloween) as this is the time when contact with the spirit world and those who have passed is easiest.  Cypress will help you connect with spirits, honouring your ancestors and re-exploring sadness that resurfaces.


My gift to you is flow


Cypress is not just an oil of death and endings but also beginnings.  He liberates emotionally. To work with Cypress is to declare to the world that you no longer choose to be bound by the past.  It is great for those ready to move into a new stage of life.  Perhaps you have been married or in a relationship for a long time that has now ended and are ready to welcome something new and exciting.  If you are changing jobs or moving from one place to a brand location work with Cypress.  He helps you go with the flow, open yourself to new opportunities, as you let go of baggage, expectations and standards that you held onto in the past.


Cypress reminds you that nothing can stay still forever.  He ensures that everything flows through the body, mind and spirit.  When you experience stagnation in your life call on Cypress.  He can be called upon to shed or banish anything from your life that is slowing your personal growth and evolution.  Work with Cypress to open the floodgates and allow change to come easily and effortlessly.  When life is dull or boring Cypress steps in to refill your cup with a brand new elixir of luxurious life 



When you are struggling to let go of something in your life, whether it be a person or situation, sit before a lit candle.  Watch the flickering flame and feel the candle’s radiance.  Let the light remind you of the good memories the past gave to you.  When you're ready, inhale Cypress and then blow out the candle, showing you are ready to let go of the light and past attachments.  This is not letting go of the memory or the joys, simply any emotional attachment that keeps you moving forward.  You may wish to repeat this practise several times to help with complete release of any encumbering attachments.  You may like to also call in the support of an Apache Tear, which is an ideal crystal for taking away grief.  Hold it during this practise and place it out on the earth afterwards to cleanse and be brought back to balance.  Repeat this exercise as many times as you need to allow you to move forward.


Affirmation: “I Embrace Evolution and Change”


Blends with Cypress

 1). Grieve with Peace 

 2 drops Cypress

2 drops Juniper Berry 

2 drops Marjoram

2 drops Tangerine 

2 drops Vetiver 

 Tangerine will awaken curiosity and a willingness to see the positive.  Marjoram and Vetiver will soothe you, bringing peace into your heart.  Juniper Berry allows you to face the darkness of your emotions with courage, a reminder that there is nothing to fear.  Cypress gives you solidity to depend on in times of sadness and despair.  Diffuse this comforting blend for at least seven days to create a safe haven through times of grief and loss.


2). Flow with Life 

 2 drops Cypress 

2 drops Grapefruit 

 Are you feeling overburdened right now?  Combine these two oils with Epsom salts into a foot bath of water.  Feel the water nourishing your feet.  Cypress offers deep grounding and when combined with Grapefruit creates buoyancy in your heart.  Connect with Mother Earth as all that doesn't serve you flows from your soles down.  Sense the planet taking your troubles and transmuting them back into the light.


3). Transitions 

 2 drops Cypress

2 drops Frankincense 

2 drops Melissa 

 Changes in life can feel confronting and challenging.  Melissa will light up your heart and soul, singing peace into your being.  Frankincense brings his steady reminder that “this too shall pass”.  Cypress gives you courage to relinquish the need to control the situation, he invites you to glide smoothly into this next phase of life.  Aromatically dress and diffuse this blend during times of change or uncertainty , allowing you to transition with ease and grace.

From Gifts of The Essential Oils by Adam Barralet & Vanessa Jean Boscarello Ovens