Passing on the Seed - Own Yours Now

Thresholders Gold Plated Seed Pendant - SHIPPING NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 2020


In my collaborative work at the Threshold, you will always feel our work infused with the ancient Archetypal path of the Labyrinth and its founding Seed.


To draw out a labyrinth, it always begins with the Seed. The seed is a cross, 4 L shaped lines and 4 dots, etched into the earth or drawn onto your canvass.  But it is so much more than that.  We have taken the seed as our amulet and we each wear this as a constant reminder of the path we are walking.

These simple, gold-plated seed pendants are now available for you to own and share with those you love. Each seed comes gift wrapped with a symbolic piece of red-thread. Use the thread to weave into your seed and wear on your wrist, or simply loop onto your favourite chain and adorn your neck with it.

The red thread is a global symbol of the connection that exists among all women, across space and across time. Such a powerful gift to send to those you most love and cherish, even when distance may keep you apart.


Sterling Silver, 18ct Gold Plated. Please remove before getting wet to prolong the life of your beautiful Gold Plated Seed. Gift wrapped with red thread and care instructions.

The seed represents a rich symbol of the cycle of life – symbolising the beginning and the end of everything.  In it’s literal sense, one seed has to be destroyed in order for the plant to grow.  It takes time and patience to plant a seed and wait for the plant to rise and become full in its expression, but we know the results are worth the gestation period.   


A seed is but a single grain, yet it is the source of a thousand grains. It can be stored for many years, and then be stirred into life in days.


The seed is not only the beginning and end, it is a sign of potential, hope, trust, nourishment, initiation, fertility, reproduction, the passing of time and providing for those who need it.  


The way the seed is drawn, with it’s cross, 4 lines and 4 dots symbolises so much.  We know from many spiritual writings that the number 4 is significant – in the Bible, it relates directly to creation.  In 4s we get the cardinal directions, the classical elements and the seasons.  All of which, so integral and delicately weaved through all our lives.  


It is no mistake either that in the ancient Vedic writings we learn of Bij Mantras – Bij meaning, yes you guessed, Seed!  Bij mantras are sounds endowed with great spiritual powers.  When chanted with concentration. focus and devotion, these seed mantras fulfil the desires of the devotee and act like a protective shield surrounding them.  One of the most well-known and powerful is the mantra Sat Nam – Truth is my Essence, or I am Truth.  Small, yet potent, like all seeds, they hold all life and possibility within them. 


Allow the seed to be your touchstone of remembrance that we are but one with the elements, that with the changing of the seasons, we too must adapt, that each day can bring fresh hope, potential, nourishment and a new initiation. Remembrance that we need patience to bear witness to things in their full glory.  Remembrance that Spring always returns after even the harshest of Winters.  Remembrance that eventually only what is True can prevail. 

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